Saturday 19 November 2016

Body image surrounding dancers

Hi bloggers,

Just thought I would share the link below as I think it is a really interesting article and argues both points well.

I know I don't fit the 'mould' as a dancer, I'm 5ft 2" with hips because of this, I know I have missed out on job opportunities. Is this fair? Who knows! It is still and I think it will be an ongoing argument for near future as I believe, our shape is changing as a whole.

Take this for an example:
In the early 1900's, a lady who was curvy showed they were wealthy because they could afford alot of good food. Also being pale was attractive because wealthy people had umbrellas to keep the sun off them and their jobs properly wasn't outside laboring for a someone.
However, in today's society, wealthy means slim and tanned. You can afford the expensive healthy food and the gym and personal trainer. Tanned skin is also a sign of health and wealth.

The world is changing constantly without us realizing and as this article states ... "beauty and self expressions exists in many shape" which I couldn't agree with more.

Just some food for thought!

Happy Saturday night :)

Sunday 13 November 2016

Interview with Justin Bieber's dancers

I'm not sure why I enjoyed this video so much but I could feel myself smiling all the way through. It is a video of an interview with Justin Bieber's dancers but they are on tour together. The video just is filled with laughter and love and you can see just how tight they have become through that experience. This is one of the main reasons I love dance, you find yourself with a new family when rehearsing and performing a show and you realise after you have made friends for life.

The interview asks the positives and negatives about tour life. I think the postives are just as important as the negatives as this makes them who they are as a person and a performer. This is something I am going to take away and put into my interviews as I feel like a lot people focus too much on the negatives in life.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Module 3

So I'm currently sat at my desk at work realizing I haven't blogged since I started back on Module 3. I feel like I have been so worked up and worried about the work load and my focus has been on interviewing and literature equaling in blogging going out the window.

I moved out again over the summer meaning I have had to take on more hours at work and overtime in the evenings at teaching. This situation plus the fact I'm in doing module 3 where I feel like it is the most challenging module has meant I feel like my life is crazy busy. With this in mind, I have had to be extra organised and do this I have to create myself a schedule for myself each week, planning in when I can get my work done.

If I'm totally honest, I was dreading come back for the final term as I was disappointed with my work in module 2 and felt completely lost in what I was actually doing for my inquiry. After a call with Adesola - we stripped my inquiry idea right back to the most simple form, had a discussion about my practice and what I do and we went from there to come up with my new inquiry title 'What does dance mean to different types of people in the industry?' 

Feeling more confident after this I came up with my interview questions and got on with them now I am onto my literature review which again, in Jess Boswell style, I feel confused and lost. After an hours session with Paula on skype, again I felt like I was back onto the right path. The skype session made it clear to me that I was mixing up my literature review and my analysis of findings. 

I ordered a book last week which arrived last night which I'm excited to read! Blog to follow about the literature I have found :) 

Happy blogging!