Saturday 24 October 2015

Task 1d: 2D images

Hello Bloggers :) 
I always upload my pictures to facebook and instagram however there are so many on there now which I have accumulated over the many years I have used them that I decided I would just pick the most recent and the ones which best described me in just a handful and uploaded him into a flickr album - thought it would be much easier for you! If you want to look at more my name on facebook is Jess Boswell and my instagram name is jessbos1.

My flickr album:

You will mainly see dancing pictures (because that's all I've known!) Pictures of my mum, dad and brother (this is the entire 'Boswell' family so they mean a lot to me!) My best friend, my boyfriend and my beautiful year which I graduated with, my three pets; my dog Fudge who's getting on a bit now and my two pet turtles. I uploaded my 21st birthday cake which is a minion - one reason because I simply love cake and the other reason because I love minions, they are so cool! - I can't believe I just admitted that on here. 

I had a think as to why images and pictures are important and I came up with a couple of ideas:
1.) I mentioned this in my last blog but i'll say it again. People judge; judge what you look like, what you wear, what you do. First impressions matter!
2.) I know that from when we are first born, our brain processes images and pictures like the familiar faces we saw everyday and the familiar surroundings probably being our homes so looking at images and pictures is second nature to us as humans. When using images within our work will help make things clearer (as long as the image is connected to the text in some way) because the brain is so used to processing them. 
3.) "A Picture is worth a thousand words" .. this quote is just perfect! If i described an image of something to you, you would never grasp the true beauty or truth. If i showed you the picture, it just says it all! 
4.) Pictures can be very personal and hold special memories which you can go back to whenever you like. They can hold all kind of emotions, some good and some bad. I know i'm really bad for hoarding pictures! But they help you to not forgot the memories you created. So many times I've looked back at photos and said 'Oh my god, I totally forgot about this!.' We should be more grateful that we basically carry a camera about with us on our phones nowadays and that we can capture any moment in life and keep it with us forever, it takes us seconds! My mum and dad barely have any pictures of their childhoods! Something we take for granted today.

Writing this blog has actuallly just reminded me that I need to start using more images within my tasks and blog! It makes it a lot more interesting too!


  1. Jess agree images hold memories - this is presenting you in a rounded way - social/professional as one in a package. Agree with your last statement - communicating using visuals is useful and practical. Can you make the link active for your Flickr?

    1. I think I've made the link work now? Sorry!
