Tuesday 8 March 2016

More questions I have for my inquiry ...

So I have started doing basic research for my inquiry, mainly reading articles and started with my dance therapy idea and a few more questions have come to mind ...

How does it help mental health illness?
How does it help people with disabilities? 
Are the theories different? 
Does dance help more with one than the other? 
What are the theories for both?
When did dance therapy first occur?
Is there a specific range in which is helps most?

... as I carry on with my research I will add to the list :)


  1. http://www.scotsman.com/lifestyle/culture/dance-theatre-purposeless-movements-glasgow-1-4038856

    Think link may interest you? Purposeless movements is a disabled dance company

  2. Hi Jess, I have just seen what you are basing your enquiry on and would love to connect as I am focusing on drama therapy :-)

  3. Hi Jess,I am finding your blog really interesting as I am looking at a similar topic, but the effects of performance within care homes. I would love to connect and have a chat about some of these themes.
