Wednesday 30 March 2016

Task 5c

Hello Bloggers :)

After reading Reader 5 several times, my mind still feels slightly boggled if I'm totally honest. Ethics is a much bigger topic than I ever realized covering from law to religion - two major roles which effect different peoples ethics.

Case study 2: Ethics in photography - I found this small section endearing leaving me questioning a few things. If you were in his shoes, what would you do? I find it very difficult to understand that someone could just walk away from the poor child struggling for their life but do you put your own life at risk (in this case, the photographer feared the contagious disease which was going around at the time)? But also, on top on that, he knows as a photographer his ethical role is to observe and not interfere - 2 major facts as to why he left her. As a dancer, not a photographer, I would of have to of helped this poor girl but I have to put this situation into something I can understand ... If I knew someone was dancing on an injury and I was concerned about their health and the show, I would probably talk to them first but still after that I was concerned, should I tell the choreographer? If I think it will effect the show (might not be able to go on stage ect) or should I keep out of it? The dance world is a very small and I wouldn't want to be standing on peoples toes and making a bad name for myself. I think ethical wise, I probably share my concerns to someone. So going back to the photographer, I think there are many different opinions and it's hard to please everyone. If he had saved that girl and he died from the disease, who knows what the press would of said. You can never win!

The quote above is targeting a different aspect of ethics. I feel like it talking more about passion and attitude. It's implying that if you don't work hard, if your not reliable, not trustworthy (low work ethics) then your not going to be successful which I fully agree with.  
Everyone has their own personal ethics as well - each individual has different ideas as to what is right and what is wrong - people can be very opinionated which I think has an effect in any situation like the photographers for example. Some people may think he did the right thing by walking away, other will think he did the wrong thing.

My next step is to start planning my own ethics release form using the guidelines in the Reader but I'm also still struggling to find the question I want to answer for my inquiry .. suggestions welcome! I want to write about dance therapy and how/why it helps people with mental illness.

Thankyou x  

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